Hav yoo evur wundurd why Inglish iz so hard too reed? If yoo ar a naytiv speekur, yoo probublee don’t evun notis how bizar Inglish speling iz. But if yoo ar lerning it az a sekund langwij, yoo no the payn uv trying too figyur owt why thru, though, and tough ar speld so differently but sownd nuthing alike.
Thair iz no reezun why "read" (past tense) and "read" (present tense) shood bee speld the saym but pronownst difruntlee. And wy duz the "gh" in "laugh" sownd like "f," but in "ghost" it sownds like "g"? Who maid up theez roolz? (Anser: A bunch uv dehd monx, Fransh peepul, and a handfull uv random printing prezz owunurz.)
Eeven wurse, Inglish haz so meny words that sownd the saym but meen totalee difrunt things. If yoo rite a letter with yoor right hand, yoo dont write yoor rights rong, unles yoo ment too, wich wood bee wrong. Confyoozd yet? Yea, us too.
Sum peepul sai Inglish speling iz "traditional" or "historicul," but let’s bee onest—itz just a hot mess. If we speld wurds how they sownd, evrything wood bee eezeer. But noooo, we got stuck with a langwij that iz esenshully a linguistik thrift shop, full uv stolen wurds, uglee speling choises, and sounds that just don’t match thair leturz.
Mabe itz time too reeboot Inglish. Or at leest giv us a speling sistem that duznt feel like it wuz desined by a drunk time traveeler from ten difrunt centuriez at wuns.